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Showing posts from September, 2017

A day in the Life of Emmy Espinal

Net Neutrality--What it is and Why it's Key for Our Internet Experience

picture from When browsing on your favorite site or even reading this blog you expect to get to where you want to go or view the content you want to view with little to no limitations right? What if that wasn’t case? More so, what if it wasn’t allowed? How would you feel if your internet experience was altered by a third party service provider that got in the way by blocking or slowing down the content you view? This doesn’t happen to us now because of Net Neutrality but what happens if Net Neutrality is taken away? President Trump’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairman, Ajit Pai is looking to diminish the idea of Net Neutrality and the odds are being weighed and has the possibility of winning. In this post I’m going to talk about all things covering this issue, why it’s important, and my personal thoughts on the matter. picture from First off let’s talk about what Net Neutrality is and why it’s key for our best internet experienc

Why Iona College?

Why Iona College ? As I begin my final year at Iona College I will recall and inform you all on why Iona was the college for me and possibly for you too!  To start Iona has such a tight knit community because of its size, Iona is the perfect in between where it’s not too big and not too small. A majority of the faces you see on campus you see all the time whether you know someone on a personal level or not. It’s because of this that Iona holds its sense of community so high, I’ve never come across a mean face while on this campus. Especially as an incoming freshman it can be extremely nerve-wracking to be surrounded by people you don’t know, the good thing? Everyone is so welcoming! —you will always see a smiling face passing through campus that will definitely ease your nerves on the first day. The Ireland Mission Team at the Edmund Rice House  Another and probably the main reason Iona was the college for me was all the involvement and giving back Iona does, from