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Why Iona College?

Why Iona College?

As I begin my final year at Iona College I will recall and inform you all on why Iona was the college for me and possibly for you too! 
To start Iona has such a tight knit community because of its size, Iona is the perfect in between where it’s not too big and not too small. A majority of the faces you see on campus you see all the time whether you know someone on a personal level or not. It’s because of this that Iona holds its sense of community so high, I’ve never come across a mean face while on this campus. Especially as an incoming freshman it can be extremely nerve-wracking to be surrounded by people you don’t know, the good thing? Everyone is so welcoming! —you will always see a smiling face passing through campus that will definitely ease your nerves on the first day.

The Ireland Mission Team at the Edmund Rice House 

Another and probably the main reason Iona was the college for me was all the involvement and giving back Iona does, from direct involvement with Iona’s mission and ministry to how involved the clubs and organizations are with philanthropy there’s always something to do and some way to give back. Last semester I was blessed to go with a select group to Dublin,
Ireland to help the poor, imprisoned, and those struggling with addiction. From beginning to end the entire experience was life changing to say the least. Through this incredible opportunity Iona gave me a chance to both travel and give back in an amazing way. While in Ireland I volunteered at Peter McVerry’s Drop-In Center and Wheatfield prison where I got to speak one on one with some amazing people trying to overcome their struggles with addiction and even had the great opportunity to sit and have lunch with one of Wheatfield’s “lifers”. I was able to hear their stories and be reminded and more so humbled on the humanity of others. Too often we judge others by their struggles and what they look like that we forget these are people too—this trip brought the importance of humanity to light, it reminded me that these are not “homeless people” “prisoners” or “drug addicts” but rather people who are homeless, people who are in prison, and people who are struggling with addiction and beyond that I was reminded that any of these situations can happen to anyone of us at any given moment. I was extremely humbled, and grateful for the life I live and meeting those amazing people changed my life forever.
If you would like to get a glimpse of my experience, I have attached some pictures and linked my Google + video below on the trip of a lifetime!
Now, even though Ireland is international there are so many other opportunities to get involved and give back at Iona, in case you don’t want to go far. From direct involvement on campus with fundraisers to bring awareness to certain things such as Edmund Rice Society’s “Paint It Pink” event that happens every October to raise money for breast cancer awareness and research or Delta Upsilon Fraternity’s annual “Fit For Cure” where the brothers fundraise in a healthy way for muscular dystrophy to local mission trips like “Habitat for Humanity” where a mission leader brings students to help build houses for those still struggling from Hurricane Katrina.
There is something for everyone here and the best part of it all is that while you are having fun and meeting new people, you’re giving back and helping others who truly need it.
Overall, Iona College has given me so many opportunities from my own radio show to the best professors around that help students whenever possible to meeting so many amazing people in this great community. These have been the best 3 years of my life and I intend to make the last just as incredible if not better!
Iona College has and always will be the place for me and I hope after reading this tidbit it can give you a glimpse as to why it should be for you too!

 I can go on and on as to why Iona is so great so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on any of my social’s linked in the contact section and I will definitely give advice for anyone wondering!
Go Gaels! 
My Ireland Mission Trip!

Love and Light💓,
Emmy Espinal

Dublin Castle 
Glendalough Wiklow Mountains 
Iona in Mission Ireland 2017 Team
Glendalough Park 
